Curriculum 2023

  • The term Curriculum refers to the overall course of study that is geared towards reaching an objective. It is the philosophical ideal of the product our school is striving to produce. When a student masters their curricular requirements they will be ready to begin the black belt phase of their training.

    The term Syllabus refers to the tools and requirements of a particular course or class. The syllabus for each belt level contains specific techniques and requirements that the instructors and students can use to achieve the ideals of the curriculum.

    Mastery of the curriculum is the student’s ultimate goal and the syllabus is a tool that can be used to achieve that goal. Class time and practice sessions should address the curriculum requirements of the school through mastering the techniques of the syllabus, but not exclusively, as a means to further progress toward achieving the curriculum ideal.

  • Kung fu is an art, it is not a science. As such we must value mastery over memorization. A person who memorizes an application may understand and be able to demonstrate the application but, unless they have mastered it, they will not be able to apply the application with realism in a dynamic situation. The key to mastery is mindful, repetitive practice of what has been memorized.

    1. Form

    2. Speed and Power

    3. Accuracy

    4. Realism

  • With many styles becoming extinct and being replaced with mixed martial arts - a styleless hodge podge of techniques and applications - it is important to acknowledge the value of a complete style. An education without mastery of a complete style is rife with holes. The constant quest to shore up those holes with more disconnected knowledge only exasperates the problem. A complete style has no holes, only weaknesses. Once the basics of a style have been mastered, extra curricular study applied to the base style will expand a practitioner’s arsenal and strengthen those weaknesses.

    A good, balanced curriculum must serve both style and function and must be respected and studied so that black belts have a good, solid base upon which to build. Therefore it is important that the curriculum serves to help the student learn how to move within the context of the style so that all applications support one another. A practitioner’s lineage should be apparent in the way he moves.

  • The objective of our curriculum is to produce quality leaders who are amazing martial artists — committed to adapting the curriculum to their lives by using their kung fu as a process as opposed to a program, and taking their training out of the kwoon and into the world.

    1. Set a goal

    2. Have a plan (and a success coach)


    4. Review your progress

    5. Review your goal

  • When we use the terminology ‘Black Belt Requirements’, we are referring to our ‘Curriculum Ideals’. Our curriculum speaks to what we value in a martial artist and a leader, and it defines who we are and the value we bring to society.

    Our curriculum ideals can be classified into two major categories: Tangible External Qualities (Tiger) and Intangible Internal Qualities (Dragon):

    Tangible External Qualities (Tiger):
    Flow, Power, Control, Speed, Balance, Strength, Timing, Dexterity and Coordination, Conditioning and Stamina, Flexibility, Intensity, Realism, Vocabulary of Motion, External Harmonies (hands with feet, elbows with knees, shoulders with hips)

    Intangible Internal Qualities (Dragon)
    Leadership/Role Model, Discipline, Respect, Confidence, Control/Judgement, Empathy, Humility, Passion/Intensity, Indomitable Spirit, Fearlessness, Compassion, Adaptability, Loyalty, Honesty/Conviction, Accountability, Self-Realization, Internal Harmonies (spirit with intent, intent with chi, chi with strength)

    It can be said that the External Qualities of the curriculum refer to the quality of the movements of the practitioner and that the Internal Qualities of the curriculum refer to the quality of the character of the practitioner. At Silent River Kung Fu, quality of character can trump quality of movement but quality of movement cannot trump quality of character. Therefore it is imperative that the Silent River Kung Fu student embrace the ideal of the curriculum and recognize the important role that extra curricular subjects such as Anger Management Training, Diabetes Education, Project Based Leadership, and Community Activism play in developing those all-important Intangible Qualities.

    The Silent River Kung Fu syllabus is designed and categorized so that each belt level represents incremental progress towards the mastering of certain concepts and skill sets that bring the student closer to achieving the curriculum ideal.

  • In the martial arts, the rank of Black Belt is synonymous with expert. The term is also used as a metaphor for personal excellence. It is the rank we all strive to achieve as it is the ultimate recognition of all the blood, sweat, and tears that stain white belts black.

    The concept of Black Belt is a relatively modern term. It is the norm in Japanese and Korean martial arts but most Chinese stylists have also adopted the black belt as a symbol of excellence and expertise because the rank of black belt is an inspiring objective and, as such, a powerful motivational goal.

    The important thing to remember about the rank of black belt is that it signifies a beginning, not an end. A commonly used analogy equates earning a black belt with completing a high school education. The real value of a strong high school education is the opportunity it creates for advanced education. Likewise, the real value of becoming a strong black belt is the opportunity it gives you to advance your training and further develop your art.

  • The belt system is a powerful motivational tool that provides students with a constant reminder of their progress. Each belt represents further proficiency of the curriculum ideals with the Black Belt representing the ultimate minimum proficiency standard.

    White Belt - White represents the colour of the pure winter snow.
 It’s quilting peace bestowing the gift of possibility upon the landscape.A blank canvas on which to sculpt its limitless potential.

    Yellow Belt - Yellow represents the colour of a seed buried in the earth beneath the winter snow. It is the seed from which the roots of a glorious plant will sprout.These roots will anchor the plant and serve to support it through wind and weather for the rest of its life.

    Orange Belt - Orange represents the colour of the sun rising to meet the morning sky. Melting the last of the frost, it nurtures the gracious earth, encouraging the young plant to flourish.

    Green Belt - Green represents the colour of the seedling venturing clear of the protective earth into the tender light of a calm spring day. Each day brings wondrous growth and change as the young seedling matures and strives to prosper.

    Blue Belt - Blue represents the colour of the cloudless summer sky beckoning the thriving plant ever closer to its soothing hue. Strengthening its ward with a gentle breeze, forever reminding it of this precarious tranquility.

    3rd/2nd/1st Degree Brown Belt - Brown represents the colour of the autumn plant anticipating winter's shrill caress. Burdening no longer, its shriveled leaves enrich the soil of its origin, paying homage to a humble heritage. The stark landscape but a reminder of the impermanence of all that is.

    Black Belt - Black represents the colour of the silent winter’s night. Peaceful serenity abounds as flakes of snow fall softly from heaven’s dark infinity. A sheltering quilt emerging to shroud the frozen earth, tenderly protecting the seeds of future promise.

  • Silent River Kung Fu’s syllabus is structured such that the student will gradually acquire the curriculum ideals by mindfully applying themselves to the syllabus specifics. The student will earn their coloured stripe when they have achieved the curriculum ideal up to their specific belt level. Once a student has earned all seven coloured stripes at their current rank, they should be ready to test for promotion to their next belt level.

    Yellow Stripe - Vocabulary of Motion
    When it comes to movement, the journey is more important than the destination. The art is found in how we move, not what we have moved nor where we have moved it.

    White Stripe - 6 Harmonies
    Every movement of a kung fu stylist should reflect the 6 harmonies. Externally, your hands should be harmonized with your feet, your elbows with your knees, and your shoulders with your hips. Internally, your sprit should be harmonized with your intent, your intent with your chi, and your chi with your strength.

    Red Stripe - Keystone Principles
    Every style of kung fu is built upon a foundation of values that are the keystone principles upon which the style is based. These fundamentals are the most important skills required for mastery of the style. The expectation is that the student's mastery of the style's keystone principles will improve as they progress through the ranks.

    Green Stripe - Wude - Martial Morality
    “Out of the Kwoon, and Into the World.” Kung fu is a discipline that transcends the training hall. A student’s life is their personal kwoon, therefore the concepts a student learns through their kung fu should be applied to all aspects of their life. Mindful living and basic awareness are important concepts that every student must master to realize the true benefits of the lifestyle. A student’s lifestyle should support their kung fu and, conversely, their kung fu should support their lifestyle.

    Leaders are made, they are not born. Our Intelligent Curriculum teaches a student to humbly take their kung fu out of the kwoon and into the world through project based leadership training, experiential learning, and practicing empathy. Strong leadership skills empowers one to carve out the life they wish to live.

    Orange Stripe - Dynamic Control
    The ability to execute a physical technique with control is what defines kung fu as an art. Execution without control devolves a refined and efficient movement into something coarse and disconnected. The skills one acquires through training are not effectively applicable without the internal and external controls required to use them.

    Weapons provide an extra dimension to training. Used properly they become natural extensions of the human body, magnifying force vectors and highlighting clarity of motion.

    Blue Stripe - Traditional Tenets
    Kung fu has survived for over two thousand years because it has sustained its relevance across cultural and societal boundaries and eras. The core values of the art are found in the traditional tenets that are at the foundation of the art.

Lion Dance and Dragon Dance instil appreciation and respect for the traditional culture of kung fu and reinforce the philosophy and ideals that are the quintessence of the art.

    Black Stripe - Wuxin - No Mind
    Only through constant repetition will techniques flow naturally and effectively from the wuxin (no mind) state. By achieving wuxin, the student is able to transform their theoretical knowledge into applicable skill.

  • The Silent River Kung Fu syllabus is designed to be taught in a rotational format. While each belt level has its own specific grading requirements, all belt levels within the same class are taught the same material. Students are required to learn all the material presented to their class but they are responsible for mastering the syllabus material identified for their specific belt level to earn their coloured stripes for advancement.

    To properly reinforce our core concepts, the year is partitioned to support improvement in one core concept for an extended period. Item description

    Core Concept Rotation (Example)
    Traditional Tenets: June - July
    Wuxin - August: September
    Six Harmonies: October - November
    Free Sparing: May & December
    Dynamic Control: January - February
    Vocabulary of Motion : March - April

    Two core concepts are outside the monthly curriculum rotation - Keystone Principles and Lifestyle and Leadership. The importance of these core concepts is such that they must be reinforced every day, independent of the monthly curriculum rotation.

    Review Concept Rotation
    Each rotational cycle will focus on a core concept during every class with the other curricular concepts maintained through a rotating review. Ideally the review concepts take place during the class warmup but not exclusively. In order for for the concept review to have maximum effective value, it must logically associate with the previous concept review.

  • The foundation of any martial art lies in the perfection of the basics. If there was only one standard there would be no need for queue belts. It is important that expectations of student skill with the basics of the style are raised as the student progresses through the ranks. The expectations of a green belt executing a roundhouse kick are higher than a yellow belt executing the same kick. Even though the basics are taught at the beginner levels, the student must increase their proficiency in those basics as they progress through the ranks.

  • Kung fu is a transformative discipline that empowers and inspires. Silent River Kung Fu is unique in the martial arts community for providing evidenced-based outcomes. The benefits are obvious to anyone who has had the opportunity to experience the art directly themselves or indirectly through a family member, yet only a fraction of practitioners ever go on to earn their black belt. The probability of success is increased if certain basic facts are respected:

    • Behind every successful person are countless mentors and positive influences. Share and use your time wisely.

    • Children do not have the life experience required to make positive decisions. Given the opportunity, most children would quit school at an early age if allowed to make such a decision. No matter the activity, once quitting becomes an option for a child, it almost invariably becomes the decision. If you do not want your children to learn to be quitters, approach their kung fu like you approach their scholastic education — take the decision out of their hands and stay actively involved in helping them deal with motivational traps, obstacles, and setbacks.

    • It is harder to develop positive habits than it is to maintain them. Work hard to create positive habits that serve your goals and those habits will become effortless effort. Take consistent action!

    • Respect the law of incremental progression. Many small things add up to big things.

    • The only constant in life is change. Remain mindful of this and proceed boldly.

    • Every moment is an opportunity to begin anew. Every success is built upon countless failures. If you want to succeed — double your failure rate.

    • Remember: a black belt is just a white belt who never quit.