Evolving Schedule November 29

As was discussed last week, this week we will be moving the Teen/Adult and Lil Leopard Livestream classes to Tuesdays and Thursdays and the Tai Chi Livestream class to Tuesdays until we are able to return to in person classes at the Kwoon. This change will create more one on one Livestream opportunities for everyone. 

If everyone takes advantage of the opportunities that are in front of us  — private one on one lessons, weekly video lessons, free tai chi, and two group classes — your kung fu will improve exponentially. Mastery is about steady, sustainable effort. That fact does not change because life’s circumstances have changed. How we respond to challenges that life puts in our path determines our success or failure.

Starting this week, all class times will remain the same with the only difference being the Teen/Adult classes will move from Monday/Wednesday to Tuesday/Thursday, Tai Chi class will move from Monday to Tuesday,  and the Lil Leopard classes will move from one day a week Wednesdays to two days a week Tuesday/Thursday. 

Refer to the Livestream Version 2 Featured Article for the schedule specifics.