Meeting Minutes - April 11, 2017

  • Need to ensure we're on time, meaning 10 minutes before classes. Everything is perception and the perception if we're late is that we don't care and are unprepared. Be shinier products.

  • The school is not a democracy but also not a dictatorship. Please contribute and feel free to speak up, however the final decision will always be up to one guy (Sifu Brinker).

RE: Student Passports

  • Stripe mentors need to be 100% over and done with in all forms; the system failed because we were teaching to stripe vs. teaching kung fu. Teach kung fu, the skill and therefore stripes will follow.

  • The passports will only be valuable if they are being used properly. Meant for the students, not parents. Tasks are not to be written for the parents and need to be presented in such a way that they are easily understandable and legible. Concise. 

  • Tasks must have a beginning and an end, not just written information or correction. Must be fast, kids need the ability to get them done within approx. 48 hrs or over a weekend so that they do not tire and lose motivation to complete them while still getting the benefit. 

  • Only assign a kid one task at a time. If there is a task already outstanding keep yours until it is completed. 

After that I quit taking notes so if you guys can fill in the blanks it'll be helpful. Please and thank you.