Meeting Minutes - January 8, 2019

Paige Hall- December 2017

    Two stripes in the system, four on her belt. Parents are extremely engaged. Paige’s lack of effort and engagement falls onto us. She is motivated, likes more than she dislikes. According to her mom Paige becomes more accountable when she knows her mom is watching. Experiences from instructors differ. Regardless, we do not have the results. Keep an eye on her; we need to know if we have what it takes to motivate her. 

    Apparently she does not know what she needs to do to get striped or why she isn’t getting striped (as per her mom). 

    Passports worked great for her- little goals and direction.


2. We need to reverse engineer why the stripes are off & double check when we enter information. Check in workouts & skills on the overview page (shows only for current belt). Striping to be left to Khona for the foreseeable future. 

3. Passports on line may become a possibility (through zen). Sifu Brinker wants any suggestions we have regarding this.

4. Progressive syllabus requirements. Any progress? Don’t hesitate to speak up if you are not interested in participating. High priority.

5. Need to stress- need more doers (healthy guys). Many of us cannot demonstrate some of this stuff but students still need to see it and have that motivation. If you’re good at something, show it off. If you’re not, don’t.

6. Banquet- as of next year our venue is changing. Holy Trinity Church already booked this year. 1/3 the price, includes dishes & sound system. Problem is Saturday Mass at 5-6pm (right during lion dance). Possibility of moving starting time half an hour. If you have any concerns please speak up. Booked for January 25, 2020.

7. Need to line up 6 in a row in BBD. Desbiens was not only in the change room but was being blocked by us while we were helping the new guys.

8. Aubriella Balan-Waege- we need to talk to her parents (need void cheque). 

9. Depending on Claire the ABD will be getting shut down. Ryder (maybe), Carter Hanson & Blakely Whitehouse-Strong will be moving out after the next grading.

10. Teaching shoulder rolls- kid to go over shoulder opposite you, grab their head & pull it to the opposite shoulder, throw their legs over. Kids don’t have a chance not to do it. Demo’d by Sifu Brinker. 

11. New TT. Idol is Bruce Lee. Make it work.