Student Ratings

The student rating field in our database is a powerful retention tool used to track each student’s motivational journey.  Everyone’s Kung Fu journey is unique and every one of us ride a rollercoaster of motivation that sees us go through long periods of at each end of the motivational spectrum. We all can’t be ‘on’ 100% of the time.

Our ranking system is simple, with each student rated on their present state as follows:

• A - self-sufficiently motivated

• B - requires motivation to be reinforced

• C - unmotivated

Our mission as instructors is to prioritize our focus on the C students to turn them into B students. Our second priority is to turn our B students into A students. Our third priority is to ensure our A students remain A students.

This tool is only as useful if it is understood and used consistently. While Sifu Rybak is responsible for ranking all the Young Dragons, 2nd Degree Brown Belts, and Black Belts, Sihing Vantuil is responsible for ranking all the Lil leopards/Tiny Tigers, and Sihing Csillag is responsible for ranking all the Teen/Adults; every instructor should be contributing to the process by being very vocal if they see a student ranking that they do not feel is accurate.  We all have unique, personal relationships with each of our students so we all have personal insights that will be useful for assisting the Program Directors in ensuring the student ratings are accurate.

To ensure the relevance of the student rating information, we need to have confidence that each rating is accurate and current.  To meet this requirement we must set and respect the following policy:

• To build trust in the student rating data, all Program Directors will confirm and update each of their students’ ratings on the last day of each month. This will give us a continuous baseline for reliable minimum accuracy of 30 days.

• The entire instructor team will contribute to the process by ensuring they are vocal and engaged in policing the accuracy of the ratings.

We will further refine our policies as our experience and needs dictate. Those refinements will be discussed in our monthly meetings and this living document will be updated accordingly.

Jeff Brinker