Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2018

  • Coen Johnson- refusing to participate in classes on occasion. He has gotten better but has regressed since taking time off over Christmas. Instructors need to be consistent when dealing with him and he gets no warnings anymore; he knows the rules.

  • Jessica Johnson- showing defiance towards instructors (Lisa)

  • Mediocrity seeping into the school; Fodor (intermediate adults) is close to being thrown out because of his attitude and disregard for fellow student and instructors. If he's been allowed to act this way in his class it goes to say there is mediocrity in other classes as well.

  • Need to become binary on discipline.

  • **No one will make the class wait. If they do they're done for the day.**

  • Look at these instances as missed opportunities; we have a chance for a great life lesson but if  we let the kids get away with these things not only are we missing the chance we are also harming them and the rest of the class.

  • Riley Coombs & Jacob Johnston grading. Hayden Chiasson being held back by parents of the second month. We need to talk to Katy to ensure he is not going to fall into a slump.

  • Remind the parents that they have the ability to override the teachers if they feel the need to when we talk to them about grading and the intent to promote.

  • Leigh Willoughby- perpetually late; need to take action on this and talk to his parents. Sifu Brinker has talked to his dad (note in front desk) so we need to wait and see if anything changes.

Instructors Pay and Subs

  • Only paid for classes we attend. No more coverage UNLESS it's proper coverage approved by Sifu Brinker and the heads of the programs (Lisa, Tania or Khona depending on program). We will in the future have an approval process. At the same time we need to be encouraging and training other individuals so that they can become approved. One if us needs to be specifically assigned to the trainees

  • *We need to pay our subs. We are responsible for this, it won't be deducted from our pay.

  • **We cannot be late! It causes damage to the school. If you're walking in when the doors are open and students are arriving you are late. We'll be deducted for arriving late.