Meeting Minutes - January 30, 2018

  • Grading Saturday- Willoughby & Chiasson

  • Willoughby- tartiness is getting better but we need to have a zero tolerance approach; talk to his mom if it continues. 

  • Last for a student is defined by arrival after we bow in. We need to have a conversation with the kid first followed by a conversation with the parents. This should become part of a stripe (probably green); if a kid is late they loose the stripe. ***Tartiness is part of the lessons but not a factor in the stripe until it becomes an issue*** This can't be binary; if it doesn't serve a purpose then theres no reason to do it.

  • Involve Sifu Brinker if it becomes an issue.

  • Bullying- is a perceived imbalance of power. Chronic conflict isn't necessarily bullying unless there is a power imbalance. We should be teaching these concepts every day in classes as life lessons and organically, never sitting down and lecturing. The green stripe needs to reflect this (the life lessons & the curriculum, not memorization of facts & presentation of them). 

  • Banquet- Sifu Brinker wants to have a kids demo using the kids that will be there and determined by their strengths so that rehearsal is unnecessary. Need to look at the list to determine what students we have and where we can go from there. Need to be done by this weekend.

  • Need to clarify with students that people without tickets won't get in like in previous years. Also clarify there will be assigned seating & schedule; doors @ 5, program @ 5:30, dinner to follow

  • Mightybell- keep note and bring up any notifications you don't get. Having some issues with notifications in certain groups, want to make sure the system is working. If you post something and receive no comments or acknowledgement reach out to find out why.