Meeting Minutes - February 27, 2018

  • Adult instructors @ the meetings- if we do follow through and change the meetings to a general instructor meeting we'll need to stop discussing particular kids and anecdotal information unless it pertains to an issue across the board. These types of things should be discussed online anyways as waiting until meetings is too long to address them appropriately and efficiently.

  • We should be reading these notes after they're posted and referring back to them over and over again. A lot of repetition in the meetings- some of which could be stemmed if we referred back, refocused and refreshed ourselves to the issues. 

  • Make your own notes during these meetings so that everything is in your own language and you're not relying on another's interpretation.

  • If you don't understand or agree with a direction thats being set bring it up to Sifu Brinker, challenge him. We need to be on the same page and if not we need to be discussing these things.

  • Chronic tartiness- we need time for pre class meetings before the doors open. Need to be here, changed and on the deck at least 10 minutes before the doors open. 

  • We need to have a set, systemized approach before June (when you loose me). The parents aren't seeing the value of the extracurricular stuff (passports, projects, pandemonium) and if it continues these projects are doomed. This needs to be addressed in the next 8 weeks.

  • Sifu Brinker needs better access to the instructors.

  • All instructors need to understand the direction the classes are being taken and the vision for the classes as it stands. This is different than agreeing- first understand and move forward with it, then challenge if you see fit. 

  • Think about the level of commitment you can give to this approach, i.e. being here early enough for a 10 minute meeting prior. Let Sifu Brinker know if this is going to be an issue. If so, we need to find an alternative that will accomplish the same things (more meetings, most likely).

  • July- I'll be gone (Khona) along with Dan (gone for 2 weeks). The remaining instructors are going to have to take on a major role. Having a system in place will be vital. Note that the Csillag's will be gone on several days during the summer, including July.

  • The curtain on the store room MUST be closed at all times. Zero tolerance. The image of this school has been built up over decades and something like leaving the curtain open wipes out all that work. It has been shown that people associate clutter with lack of safety.

  • As noted by me (Khona) even when we're engaged with a child we need to stay aware of the class in general. If you're working with one kid and another is lighting a fuse elsewhere and no-one notices it creates huge problems.

  • All conversations at the front desk (incl. between Lisa & myself) need to be quieter. Conversations with parents should be moved into the office. Eventually signups should be moved into the office as well. No conversations on the deck during classes (this doesn't include instructions, just two way conversations that require conversing back and forth, back and forth). If a conversation is needed, pull the instructor into the office.